Nepenthes glabrata x aristolochioides
Asian Pitcher plant hybrid: Borneo Exotics BE-
Highland-Ultra: Hybrid of one highland and one ultra-highland parent.
Nepenthes glabrata x aristolochioides is a great hybrid from Borne Exotics and really got the best of both parents. It seems to get the great painted color that N. glabrata is known for and the tubby hunch-back pitchers of N. aristo. This is plant came well recommended from the owner/founder of California Carnivores, and author of The Savage Garden ,Peter D ‘Amato. Peter is especially fond of smaller growing nepenthes that can fit and thrive inside a terrarium. This definitely fits the bill, it is extremely beautiful and compact, as well as being much easier to care for than both of the parents especially aristolochioides which refuses to pitcher with nights lower that 60F.
Nepenthes glabrata x aristolochioides Care Notes:
- Great combination of both parents.
- Endorsed by Peter D’Amato as an ideal terrarium plant.
- This is a hybrid that appreciates higher humidity. It will hold and produce more colorful pitchers with proper humidity
If you want to learn more about cultivation of carnivorous plants, I highly recommend the comprehensive grow guide The Savage Garden, Revised: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants by Peter D,Amato. It is very easy to follow and reference and contains pictures and cultivation techniques for every genus of carnivorous plants.
If you want to learn more about Nepenthes or other pitcher plants, and see pictures of these spectacular species in the wild, I highly recommend reading Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume One and Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume Two
by Stewart McPherson it is over 1000 pages about nepenthes and cephalotus.
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