Nepenthes singalana x hamata
Asian Pitcher Plant Hybrid
Altitude: Highland, Man-made hybrid
Nepenthes singalana x hamata is a hybrid that I obtained through Borneo Exotics. I have two clones and they are very similar but there seems to be some minor variation between them in color, peristome teeth and the pitcher shape. I was able to track two down by emailing every supplier I could think of and I am glad that I did. This one has turned out to be a real spectacular cross. It should loose some of the color as it start vining, because both of the parents generally have very green upper pitchers
Nepenthes singalana x hamata Care Notes
- Easy to grow hybrid, can thrive on the windowsill without added humidity.
- Very hard to find currently and would be very expensive at this point. Should return with clones in tissue culture in a few years which is BE’s TC so price should be a little better.
- One of the toothiest hamata hybrids to be released so far!
- I have notice that the different clones have slightly different care with one preferring the higher humidity of the terrarium and the other thriving on the windowsill.
If you want to learn more about cultivation of carnivorous plants, I highly recommend the comprehensive grow guide The Savage Garden, Revised: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants by Peter D,Amato. It is very easy to follow and reference and contains pictures and cultivation techniques for every genus of carnivorous plants.
If you want to learn more about Nepenthes or other pitcher plants, and see pictures of these spectacular species in the wild, I highly recommend reading Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume One and Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume Two
by Stewart McPherson it is over 1000 pages about nepenthes and cephalotus.
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